Last Ferry

"Last Ferry" (LGBTQIA+ Romantic comedy short film) follows Sage and Ken, two young women embarking on a first date to Toronto Island. Ken is a cynical tourist, backpacking around Canada to try and self-actualize after a bad break-up. On the ferry she meets Sage, a local fortune-teller who has come to honour a childhood tradition. The idyllic setting, initially filled with promise, takes an unexpected turn when they chance upon Carson, Sage’s long-lost cousin who had vanished years ago and has been living homeless on the island ever since.

Together, the trio leave their comfort zones, and discuss adulthood, personal growth, and letting go. Sage and Ken start falling in love, while Carson acts as a catalyst, embodying the film's core themes and challenging the women to embrace transformative change. Drawing inspiration from "Before Sunrise," this film intricately weaves three character studies together. The dynamic between Sage and Ken propels the narrative forward. The tone is nostalgic, laced with bittersweet emotions, and underscored by an undeniable romanticism. Ken has to catch her flight home at the end of the day, so all three of them have to make a choice. Do they let the perfect day exist in the past, or do they take the risk and try and make the good times last?

With an almost documentary visual style, the audience gets swept away by the film’s realism, and the sincerity of the performances. Toronto is featured heavily in the visuals, as well as landmarks of the Island, and local wildlife. The result is a world that is teeming with life, and basking in the light of summer.

Shot August 2023, Currently in postproduction.


Grandmas Secret Stew

